Laboratory and Restorative Techniques
This comprehensive video presents time-proven techniques for restoring Bicon abutments with their 360 degrees of locking taper positioning to achieve unmatched clinical capabilities, such as the extra-oral cementation of crowns using a wide variety of materials.
Bicon Free Vascular Graft Meeting – Rome 2022
This study presented clear evidence that restoring free vascularized fibula and scapula bone grafts with TRINIA® fixed prostheses supported by Bicon SHORT® implants for the mandible and maxilla are efficient and effective treatments for providing both aesthetics and function for patients in need.
Surgical Advantages of Bicon Short® Implants
On May 13, 2020, Shadi Daher, DMD, FICD, AAOMS Fellow, presented a live webcast discussing the surgical advantages of Bicon SHORT® Implants. In his presentation, Dr. Daher discussed patient selection, surgical protocols, preferred implant sizes, instrumentation, and clinical examples of several surgical treatments with their long-term radiographic results.
The Internal Sinus Lift with SynthoGraft®
On June 6, 2020, Shadi Daher, DMD, FICD, AAOMS Fellow, presented a live webcast discussing internal sinus lifts with SynthoGraft®, a synthetic bone augmentation material. In his presentation, Dr. Daher discussed the anatomy, histology, instrumentation, and clinical techniques of several representative clinical treatments with their long-term radiographic results. SynthoGraft® is a revolutionary Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate material […]
Unmatched Clinical Capabilities of TRINIA®
On May 27, 2020, Vincent J. Morgan, DMD, and Estevam Bonfante, DDS, MS, Ph. D, co-presented a live webcast discussing TRINIA®, a metal-free ceramic matrix CAD/CAM material. During the first portion, Dr. Morgan introduces TRINIA® as a fiber-reinforced resin with exceptional clinical capabilities and unique properties, which has been successfully used as a dental CAD/CAM […]
Uzimanje otiska na nivou implanta i postavljanje devetodelne Trinia® teleskopske protetske nadoknad...
Naredna studija slučaja prikazaće uzimanje otiska celog zubnog luka na nivou implantata i postavljanje devetodelne Trinia® teleskopske protetske nadoknade u donjoj vilici, kod 87-godišnjeg pacijenta, u samo dve posete.
The Logic of Bicon – Dr. Vincent J. Morgan
On May 6, 2020, Dr. Vincent J. Morgan presented a live webcast discussing the driving principles behind the Bicon design: simplicity, predictability, profitability — and most importantly the logic! Whether you are new to Bicon or have been using Bicon for years, his presentation is not to be missed.
21년간 사용중인 4개의 임플란트로 지지되는 9-Unit Trinia Telescopic 틀니의 Implan...
본 비디오는 87세 환자가 단 2회의 보철 수복 내원으로 21년간 사용중인 4개의 임플란트로 지지되는 9-Unit 하악 Trinia Telescopic 보철의 Implant-level 인상과 틀니 장착에 관한 증례영상입니다.
상악 및 하악의 Telescopic 보철물 제작과 장착 -바이콘 SHORT® Implants 와 Universal...
68세 남성, 상하악 각각 2개의 4.5×8.0mm 와 2개의 5.0×6.0mm 바이콘 SHORT® Implants 와 Universal Abutment Coping으로 지지되는 Telescopic 보철물 제작과 장착을 위한 임상 기법
Abdrucknahme auf Implantatebene und Insertion einer neungliedrigen TRINIA® Teleskoprestauration auf...
Dieses Fallstudienvideo zeigt die Abdrucknahme auf Implantatebene und das Einsetzen einer neungliedrigen TRINIA-Teleskop-Restauration auf vier 21 Jahre alten Implantaten bei einem 87-jährigen männlichen Patienten in nur zwei klinischen Besuchen.