
Sulcus Reaming Technique

The color-coded sulcus reamers are essential components of Bicon’s instrumentation. This video will demonstrate the sulcus reaming technique being used to successfully seat a maxillary bicuspid Integrated Abutment Crown™ into the well of a Bicon SHORT™ Implant.

September 4, 2014

Comparative Properties of Dental Restorations

In this presentation, Dr. Bonfante will demonstrate his analysis of various restorative materials and their survival factors under in-function experimentation. Estevam Bonfante, DDS, MS, Ph.D. Department of Prosthodontics, University of São Paulo–Bauru College of Dentistry

June 10, 2014

The History of The Bicon Design

The Bicon System has its origins dating back to 1968. Initial research was conducted at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio by Thomas Driskell. The original implant design of Mr. Driskell used high density aluminum oxide as the implant material. In 1981, Driskell introduced an implant named Titanodont which was made from titanium alloy. Then, […]

December 4, 2012

Interner Sinus Lift in Kombination mit SynthoGraft™ und Restauration mit einer CAD/CAM IAC®

Dieses Video demonstriert das gleichzeitige Augmentieren eines großen bukkalen Defektes und das Setzen eines 5,0 x 6,0mm Bicon Integra-CP™ Implantat in Verbindung mit einem internen Sinus Lift mit SynthoGraft™. Dabei wird ein Sinus Lift Abutment verwendet und die prothetische Versorgung erfolgt mit einer CAD/CAM gefertigten Integrierten Abutment Krone™ in nur drei Sitzungen.

October 21, 2012

Rialzo del Seno Interno Utilizzando SynthoGraftâ„¢, e Restauro Protesico con un Sistema CAD/CAM IACÂ...

Questo video dimostra il simultaneo innesto di osso in un grosso difetto buccale e il posizionamento di un impianto 5,0 x 6,0 mm Bicon Integra-CPâ„¢ con una procedura di rialzo del seno interno, utilizzando SynthoGraftâ„¢ e un moncone per rialzo del seno mascellare, oltre alla protesizzazione dell’impianto con una IAC (Integrated Abutment Crownâ„¢) preparata con […]

September 28, 2012

Internal Sinus Lift using SynthoGraft™ and Restoration with a CAD/CAM IAC®

This video demonstrates the simultaneous bone grafting of a large buccal defect and placement of a 5.0 x 6.0mm Bicon Integra-CP™ Implant with an internal sinus lift procedure using SynthoGraft™ and a sinus lift abutment, as well as the implant’s restoration with a CAD/CAM fabricated Integrated Abutment Crown™ in only three clinical visits.

July 16, 2012