Implant Level Impression and Bite Registration
A clinical and how-to example of the appropriate method of making an implant level impression and bite registration.
Bicon Prothetisches Video
Bicon’s Prothetisches Video soll Klinikern und ihren Mitarbeiter mit detaillierten Beschreibungen, Erklärungen und Demonstrationen die zahlreichen restaurativen Verfahren des Bicon Implantat System vertraut machen.
Bicon Restorative Teknikker
Denne video om Bicon restorative teknikker henvender sig til tandlæger og klinikpersonale med detaljerede beskrivelser, forklaringer og eksempler på flere af de protetiske muligheder med implantatsystemet Bicon.
Placement of a Bicon SHORT® Implant using an Immediate Stabilization and Function Technique and Res...
This video demonstrates the placement of a 4.5 x 8.0mm Bicon Integra-CP™ Implant using an Immediate Stabilization and Function Technique and the subsequent restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.
Bicon Tecnica Protesica
Il video della tecnica protesica ha l’intento di aiutare i clinici e il loro staff con dettagliate descrizioni, spiegazioni e dimostrazioni, illustrando numerose procedure protesiche della sistematica Bicon dental implant.
Techniques de restauration prothétiques des Implants Bicon
La Vidéo des techniques de restauration prothétiques des Implants Bicon est destinée à fournir aux praticiens et à leurs personnels des explications, des descriptions détaillées, et des démonstrations illustrant de nombreuses procédures de restauration prothétiques du système d’implant dentaire Bicon.
Placement et Restauration des Implants Courts Bicon
Cette vidéo illustre le placement d’un Implant Court Bicon 5.0 x 6.0mm au niveau de la deuxième molaire mandibulaire gauche en utilisant une technique en deux temps chirurgical et sa restauration ultérieure avec une couronne à pilier intégré.
Placement and Restoration of a Bicon MAX 2.5™ Implant
This video depicts the placement of a 4.5 x 8.0mm Bicon MAX 2.5™ Implant in the area of the maxillary right central incisor using a Two Stage Surgical Technique and the subsequent restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.
Bicon Restorative Techniques
The Bicon Restorative Techniques Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with detailed descriptions, explanations, and demonstrations depicting numerous restorative procedures of the Bicon Dental Implant System.
Placement of a Bicon SHORT® Implant and Uncovering of Two Bicon SHORT® Implants
On September 15, 2010, Bicon presented a webcast featuring a live demonstration by Doctor Shadi Daher to practitioners around the world. The demonstration included two cases. The first case was the extraction of a carious tooth and the placement of a 4.5 x 8.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant using a Two Stage Surgical Technique. The second […]