Sofortimplantation und Restauration eines ersten Oberkiefermolaren mit einer extraoral zementierte L...

Diese umfassende Video-Fallstudie zeigt die Extraktion eines ersten Oberkiefermolaren und die sofortige Platzierung eines 6,0 x 6,0 mm Bicon SHORT® Implantats. Zusätzlich werden drei verschiedene Abformtechniken vorgestellt: Implantatebene mit Abformmaterial, Implantatebene mit digitaler IOS Abdrucknahme und Abutment-Level-Transferabformung. Außerdem wird die extraorale Zementierung einer Lithium-Disilikat-Krone und ihr endgültiger Sitz demonstriert.

April 10, 2018

Immediate Placement and Restoration of a Maxillary First Molar with an Extra-Orally Cemented Lithium...

This comprehensive video case study demonstrates the extraction of a maxillary first molar and the immediate placement of a 6.0 x 6.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant. Additionally, three different impression techniques are presented: implant-level with impression material, implant-level with digital scanning, and abutment-level transfer impression. Furthermore, the extra-oral cementation of a lithium disilicate crown and its […]

April 5, 2018

Bicon SHORT® Implants, TRINIA, and Telescopic Restorations – Paolo Perpetuini [HD]

IDC-Italy presents the 1st European Forum On Short Implants at the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara in Ferrara, Italy. Join the master himself — Paolo Perpetuini — for his presentation on why Bicon SHORT® Implants, TRINIA CAD/CAM material, and telescopic restorations can provide the ideal combination for both you and your patients.

March 8, 2018

TRINIA®: The Need to Select the Adequate Prosthetic Material – Dr. Vincent Morgan [HD]

IDC-Italy presents the 1st European Forum On Short Implants at the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara in Ferrara, Italy. This video features a comprehensive presentation by Dr. Vincent Morgan on TRINIA®, the revolutionary, metal-free CAD/CAM material. Dr. Morgan also shares a wealth of real-world clinical experience with Bicon — this presentation is not to be missed!

February 12, 2018