Digital Impression of Two Scannable Temporary Abutments and the Subsequent Insertion of Two Extra-Orally Cemented Maxillary Molar Crowns

This case demonstrates how using Bicon Scannable Temporary Abutments with the one-stage implant protocol can save time for patients, technicians, and clinicians. It reduces chairtime, minimizes failed patient visits, and allows for the fabrication of a permanent prosthesis during implant integration, eliminating many time-related stresses. More information about Bicon Scannable Temporary Abutments here: Download PDF

Bicon Scannable Temporary Abutments Provide for Crown Fabrication While Implant is Integrating

This case demonstrates the time-saving benefits for patients, technicians, and clinicians alike when Bicon Scannable Temporary Abutments are used with the one-stage implant placement protocol. The Scannable Temporary Abutment not only reduces chairtime, but more importantly can reduce the number of patient visits which reduces the potential of failed patient visits. Additionally, they provide the […]

Twelve-Year Radiographic Follow Up of a 6.0 x 5.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant with an Internal Sinus Lift Using SynthoGraft™ and an Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC)

This case radiographically demonstrates the extraction, implant placement of a 6.0 x 5.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant with an internal sinus lift using SynthoGraft™, and restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC) for a fourty-six-year-old male patient over twelve years. It is also an excellent radiographic example of Wolff’s Law of bone, which states that “bone […]

Seven-Year Radiographic Follow Up of a 6.0 x 5.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant Using a Sinus Lift Abutment and an Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC)

This case radiographically demonstrates the extraction, implant placement of a 6.0 x 5.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant with a Sinus Lift Abutment, and its restoration with a 20mm long Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC) in a sixty-nine-year-old male patient over 84 months. It is also an excellent radiographic example of Wolff’s Law of bone, which states that […]