Posizionamento e Protesizzazione di un Impianto SHORT® Bicon

Questo video illustra il posizionamento di un impianto SHORT® Bicon 5.0 X 6.0mm nella zona del secondo molare mandibolare sinistro usando la tecnica chirurgica a due fas, e la successiva protesizzazione con una IAC (Integrated Abutment Crown).

Placement and Restoration of a Bicon SHORT® Implant

This video depicts the placement of a 5.0 x 6.0mm Bicon SHORT® Implant in the area of the mandibular left second molar using a Two Stage Surgical Technique and the subsequent restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.

Bicon Restorative Techniques

The Bicon Restorative Techniques Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with detailed descriptions, explanations, and demonstrations depicting numerous restorative procedures of the Bicon Dental Implant System.

Introduction to Bicon SHORT® Implants

This video provides an introduction to Bicon SHORT® Implants, their history, the science behind their design, and how they can maximize implant placement possibilities and minimize the need for grafting procedures.

Extraction and Placement of Three Bicon SHORT® Implants, Uncovering of Three Bicon SHORT® Implants, and the Insertion of Seven Integrated Abutment Crowns™

On November 9, 2010, Bicon presented a webcast featuring a live demonstration by Doctor Shadi Daher and Doctor Vincent Morgan to practitioners around the world. The demonstration included three cases. The first case was the extraction of two carious teeth and the placement of three Bicon Implants. The second case was the uncovering of three […]