TRINIA® Interview at IDS 2015
Join Dr. Chris Salierno from Dental Economics as he interviews Dr. Vincent J. Morgan at the IDS 2015 in Cologne, Germany about TRINIA® — the innovative new dental CAD/CAM material.
Join Dr. Chris Salierno from Dental Economics as he interviews Dr. Vincent J. Morgan at the IDS 2015 in Cologne, Germany about TRINIA® — the innovative new dental CAD/CAM material.
This video demonstrates the insertion of a TRINIA® four-unit anterior bridge on two Bicon SHORT® Implants.
The Bicon System has its origins dating back to 1968. Initial research was conducted at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio by Thomas Driskell. The original implant design of Mr. Driskell used high density aluminum oxide as the implant material. In 1981, Driskell introduced an implant named Titanodont which was made from titanium alloy. Then, […]
Questo video illustra le tecniche chirurgiche e di laboratorio per l’uso di TRINIA®, una fibro-resina senza metallo per protesi fisse.
Denne video viser de kliniske og laboratorietekniske arbejdsgange forbundet med TRINIA® fiberresin protetik. TRINIA® er nøglen til den metalfri tandprotetiske løsning.
This video depicts clinical and laboratory techniques for TRINIA® fiber resin fixed prosthetics. TRINIA® is the solution for metal-free dental prosthetics.